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Ways That I've Made Money Online

Making money online is the holy grail or so it seems. Everyone wants to make $100 a day. That is the dream. That is the aspiration. People generally do not realise is that it is fairly easy to achieve and that most people that apply themselves will reach it fairly easily. Over the years I've tried what seems like hundreds of ways to make money using the internet since I was a child. Over the years the internet evolved and has given us so many opportunities for the regular person to get involved quickly and make excellent sustainable money. The secret is application and consistency. It always has been. So take a peak at the best ways that I've made money online and choose one and go all in on it and see where it takes you, you'll be surprised.

Building An Email List

There is an old phrase that is banded about that goes like this. The money is in the list. The reason that people says this is because it has proved to be one of the most effective ways of creating regular income streams of any business model. It is widely accept that having an email list can generate you approximately $1 per subscriber per month. On the basis that you effectively manage and market to the list. So on that basis just having a few thousand subscribers should be enough to enable you to reach your goal of earning $100 per day working online. You don't need a million subscribers, that is a fact. Building a list can be done in many different ways. You can sell products and your list is based upon your customer base or you can create a list by giving things away. This is the way most people get started. They create a piece of content that helps solves a problem and then offers it to the people that need it in exchange for their email address. Once in possession of the email address you can send various emails providing value and promotions. The great thing with an autoresponder is that you can set up many emails in advance that get distributed on auto pilot. Aweber makes this easy with their Follow up series features and campaign settings, before you know it you will have weeks of automated emails going out to new subscribers.

Related: Start Your List


Podcasts have been around for the best part of 15 years. Essentially they are radio shows that can be downloaded or streamed at anytime for the most part for free. For the longest time the majority of podcasts were made by the regular guy or girl. But in recent years, if you have any interest in podcasts, you will have noticed lots more celebrities have been getting involved. There is a simple reason for this. The advertising revenue on podcasts can be exceptional. It has been estimated that the average revenue payment for a podcast with 10,000 downloads is between $500-$1,000. When you compare that the average revenue on YouTube from their partner programme which is between $1-$10 per 1000 views there is no contest. The beauty of the podcast is they are one of the most simple forms of content. You just need a microphone and be able to talk. Buzz Sprout provide an amazing service to get started with your very first podcast and once you get your podcast uploaded they make sure it is available on all the providers people listen to podcasts including the big ones like Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Related: Start Podcasting

Help Your Local Businesses

There are businesses everywhere. This is fact. There are also many struggling businesses that do not focus their trade online. I'm talking about the service providers. Whether that is a local Builder, Dentist, Restaurants etc.. For the most part their expertise begins and ends with what they do. With most following the philosophy 'if we build it they will come' however we all know that most of the time that does not transpire to be the case. Now these businesses can be assisted in many ways. Improving their visibility in google search and instigating social media are often great starting points. However one of the best ways is to improve their web presence is helping them in creating an online customer base. In much the same way we spoke about building a list for your own purpose above, here you help the business do the same. Using ClickFunnels you can create generic websites using their templates and essentially sell them your modified template which as an added bonus will also earn you ongoing commissions from generating a new ClickFunnels user. Once you have a customer you can sell a wide range of ongoing online services to further assist and support their marketing online.

Related: Create Funnels Now

Paid Traffic

It almost seems like the obvious one. It's often said that if you can master paid traffic you obtain the licence to print money. Think about it. You find a product that sells well and you put it in front of it targeted audience, there is a high probability you make the sale. This philosophy is tried as tested for over a hundred years on TV and in print. With paid traffic you should aim for $1 profit for every $1 invested. On the face of it this seems scary, but when you crack the code and have the ability to make 100% profit it is a great place to be. The beauty of paid traffic is that the options are almost endless. You can sell your own products, other peoples or even utilise affiliate marketing. Plus there are so many platforms to advertise online. Search engines, on websites, YouTube and social media just to name a few. Most platforms allow you to target your audience using words people search for, their location or even having the ability to choose the specific placement of the ad like on websites or videos. The crucial thing to consider with paid advertising is keeping track of what you are doing at a specific level and being able to make changes during campaigns. This is where a click tracker like Click Magick comes in to its own. It provide you with all the stats you could imagine like amount of clicks received plus when they occurred and from where plus so much more. The genius of it is that you can split test pages. This simply put is the ability to have multiple versions of the same content rotated so that you can find out which one converts the best and stick with that. Amazing.

Related: Get To The Next Level

Simple Services

Everyone needs to start somewhere right? Sometimes it is starring you right in the face. Everyone knows how to do something, even if you think you cant, you probably can. Every single day there are people that want simple tasks done that they either cant be bothered to do, it isnt worth their time to or despite being fairly simple do not have the required skill to do themselves. This is where the everyday guy or girl can get involved and earn some simple cash. By jumping across to the website Fiverr you will see thousand of 'gigs' being advertised for online services. We are talking about things such as graphic design, assistance with websites and animation. Things that you need a bit of skill to do, but having said that some of the tasks are so basic they don't really require expertise. But also there are tasks that anyone can do like voiceovers, modelling and proof reading. Most of the time the tasks take no time at all, so whilst you may only be earning $5 a go unless you offer extras, you can do a load every day. One thing leads to another and you got a pile of cash to invest in other ventures.

Related: Provide Simple Services


Dropshipping is one of the easiest business models to get your head around. Simply put it is the process of selling products on behalf of someone else. When you make a sale you use that money to buy it from the manufacturer and send it directly to your customer. By doing this you never have to buy stock upfront or have anywhere to store the merchandise because you only buy when you have a customer. In recent years the success has come from finding suppliers out in China and finding products being sold and delivered for only a couple of dollars. By doing this it gives you an incredible margin for profit or expenditure on targeted traffic. You just have to make sure that you manage the expectations of the of the customer in terms on delivery times as you will not be getting Amazon Prime turn around times from China. The skill in this business lies in the choosing of the products so expect to spend time researching hot products. But once you get started with a store on Shopify as they make it so easy for Dropshippers. Awesome looking sores can be created in minute and product imported just as quickly.

Related: Create a Store Now

Create Your Own Online Course

The creation of a course has become accessible to everyone. These courses can then be sold as a one off, recurring membership or episodic product. Like with most ways to make money online, you may not think you have a skill. There is usually something that you know or do that is better than the 'average' person's ability level. Therefore you have ability to teach them how to improve. It is as simple as that. Utilising platforms such as Teachable means you can create a course fairly quickly and upload it to their platform where they will assist you to get students because it is in their best interest to sell as many courses as possible.

Related: Start Teaching

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing has long been put on the pedestal as one of the best ways to make money online and there are good reasons why. This is because you earn money by essentially recommending products and services. What's more, there are hundreds of programs to join to earn affiliate commissions, so regardless of what you want to promote you are more than likely to find some sort of product that fits the bill. Whether it's a digital product, a course, a piece of software or even a physical product. Amazon have an affiliate program which covers everything they sell so the options truly are endless. One of the very best ways to get started with affiliate marketing is by starting a YouTube channel, whether you are doing reviews, tutorials or anything else there is no barrier to entry and you can start recommending products that you link in the description of your videos. YouTube is free to join and is easy to get video ranking (within reason). In order to make eye catching videos we use Content Samurai with gives us so many royalty free video clips and overlays that make the video 10x better meaning people watch for longer and come back which leads to higher rankings and therefore more waters and more chances for our links to be clicked by willing buyers.

Related: Start Affiliate Marketing